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Sacred plant medicines and empathogens facilitate the alchemy of transformation. They possess the awesome power to touch the emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of our healing, helping to bridge the gap between mind, body, and spirit and allow one to become more fully embodied, integrated, and connected. These sacred medicines invite us to connect to all parts of ourselves; they ask us to confront the painful parts of our past so we can glean the wisdom they offer. By shining a light into the dark corners of our mind-body consciousness, we are able to acknowledge, learn from, and release the suffering attached to these old emotional wounds.


Preparing for ceremony and integrating your experience is an essential component of the plant medicine journey. Along with my psychotherapy practice, I also offer preparation and integration services in person and online for those who are currently working with sacred plant medicines or for those who are contemplating this particular path.

Please note, I do not facilitate the medicine work nor will I refer people to facilitators.


Pre-ceremony preparation counseling is designed to help prepare you mentally, physically, and emotionally for healing or transformational work with psychedelics and sacred plant medicines.

Topics typically covered during pre-ceremony counseling sessions include:

  • Assessing risk

  • Intention setting

  • Grounding practices before the journey

  • Processing fears or doubts before the journey

  • Strategies for managing the emotional material that arises during ceremony

  • Pre-ceremony regimen for cleansing and preparing your mind and body for the work

  • Educational resources


Though the transformational power of medicine work can last throughout one’s lifetime, there is often a post-ceremony window of opportunity during which people are more capable of making big changes and translating the transformational shifts experienced during ceremony into tangible life changes. This critical period offers an incredible opportunity to use this newly expanded and open state to manifest true transformation in your life.

Topics typically covered during post-ceremony counseling sessions include:

  • Helping to understand the powerful ceremony experience

  • Taking the knowledge and insights gleaned and putting them into practice in your life

  • Processing the potentially difficult or traumatic material that may have come up on your journey

  • Helping to create a daily practice of balancing and grounding.

  • Developing practices to continue one's expansion, growth, and healing path after ceremony.

  • Maintaining spiritual connection and wisdom without relying solely on psychedelics

  • Help with how to share your experience with loved ones

I'd love to hear from you. Please contact me for a consultation.
- Michele
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